
Kids Help Phone

December 12, 2022 -- Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.

Mental health tips and info - With Kids Help Phone’s web resources, young people can get information about how their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected and what they can do to care for their well-being.

Mental Health Resources

APRIL 4, 2022 -- Anxiety, worry and stress are something we all feel, and sometimes we may need help. Mental health supports are available to help you if and when you need it. Listed below are some helpful resources.

HealthLine 811 - offers mental health and addictions service, including 24/7 crisis support, advice to help manage a caller’s situation, information and connection to community resources.

School Bus Information

Many of our students at Arcola Community School take the bus. Please use the following numbers for any questions or concerns that arise with transportation.


Adding a student to a bus routePlease call (306) 791-8245

If your child is late for the bus, unable to catch the bus or is late arriving home: Please call (306) 546-4022