SCC (School Community Council)

SCC Meeting Dates for the 2024-25 school year:

  • Monday, September 23rd @ 6:00 p.m -

SCC Meeting Dates for the 2023-24 school year:

SCC 2023-24 Members/Roles:

  • Chair: C. Chamberlin
  • Vice Chair: A. Mason
  • Treasurer: J. Elliott
  • Secretary: A. General
  • Elected Members: A. Dae & T. Molder O'Dwyer
  • Appointed Members: J. Sutherland, T. Yanyk, & N. Roeher

SCC Meeting Dates for the 2022-23 school year:

SCC 2022-23 Members/Roles:

  • Co-Chairs: N. Schlotter & T. Molder O'Dwyer
  • Treasurer: J. Elliott
  • Secretary: A. General
  • Elected Members: C. Chamberlin, A. Mason, & A. Dae
  • Appointed Members: J. Sutherland, J. McGurran, N. Roeher, & D. Caissie


Attention Parents, Caregivers and Community Members!

Would you like to:

  • Know how to better help your child(ren) on their learning journey?
  • Be a part of their learning?
  • Contribute to their success, their school’s success and, in turn, contribute to your community’s success? 
  • Know what is happening at the school where your child spends much of their week? 
  • Become more familiar with school staff? 
  • Have more insight into the challenges they face and the decisions made that may impact your child’s learning environment?
  • Have some input into decisions made or opportunities to provide feedback?
  • Or perhaps you would like to build relationships in your community? 
  • Do you enjoy meeting other parents and community members?


If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, then Arcola Community School’s School Community Council (SCC) is your opportunity!

The Arcola Community School’s SCC meets approximately once a month to assist our students and staff to improve students’ learning, to support children’s well-being and to provide feedback to the staff on the needs and wishes of the community. If you have children, please note that free childcare is provided during every meeting. All family members are welcome to attend! Our SCC is looking for all kinds of supporters: You may choose to run for a council position or you may prefer to simply participate in an occasional meeting or assist with big events. We have an exciting group of SCC members this year and, just like Arcola’s student population, we are growing! We welcome you to become involved as a new member!

If you are like we were at first, you may be asking, what does the SCC do?

School Community Councils are an important partnership between teachers, families and community members. SCCs are comprised of elected and appointed parents and community members, as well as staff members who work together to support learning at our school.  

The SCC at Arcola Community School:

  • Provides advice and support to the Board of Education, our school staff and other community organizations about the needs of our school community
  • We help to support school fundraising initiatives and help to determine how money can best be spent to support and advance our school's learning agenda and the well-being of our students
  • Last year, our SCC helped support the purchase of online reading programs and playground enhancements.