Is your child three years old, or will they be four years old by December 31, 2020? Do you live in the Arcola Community School area? If yes, it's time to apply for Pre-Kindergarten!
We are only accepting ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS at this time.
Please scan your completed form and e-mail it to arcola@rbe.sk.ca -- thank you!
You must live in the Arcola Community School area to apply -- please CLICK HERE to determine your neighbourhood school.
Our school is closed for the summer but Pre-Kindergarten applications will be temporarily accepted without the below documents. We will collect the documents once school resumes.
Once school begins, registration forms MUST INCLUDE:
1. Copy of Proof of Date of Birth with ONE (1) of the following:
- Canadian Birth Certificate or;
- Canadian Citizenship Certificate or;
- Canadian Passport or;
- Indian Status Card
2. Copy of Saskatchewan Health Card
3. Copy of Immunization Records
Registration Guidelines for Students NOT born in Canada
If you OR your child was not born in Canada, or is not a Canadian citizen (and either an elementary or high school-age student), please visit the Regina Newcomer Welcome Centre (306-352-5775) before registering any new student.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program is a developmentally appropriate early childhood education program for three- and four-year-old children. Space is limited and children who would benefit most from enhanced programming and meet eligibility criteria, based upon Saskatchewan Ministry of Education guidelines, are prioritized for enrolment.
The half-day program, which runs Monday through Thursday, has a qualified teacher and teacher associate who provide play and exploration based programming for up to 16 children. Programming is child centered, self directed, and focused on holistic child development: social-emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual.
Family engagement is an important part of the Pre-Kindergarten program. Through active involvement in the Pre-Kindergarten program, parents enhanced their parenting skills and share responsibility for the well-being and education of their children.
Additional information regarding Pre-Kindergarten, as part of Early Learning, is available here.
Please follow this Ministry of Education link for more details.